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@adam @Johncdvorak 60 Minutes amygdala segment tonight! It's during the "Hero" segment. The basic message is that Heros have large amygdalas

Watch "COVERUP? DA Investigation of Alleged Stat Rape by Sheriff Cand. Wayne Woo "Designed to Conceal Info"" on YouTube

ITM! Anyone have any good places to buy custom challenge coins?

ITM! Anyone have any good places to buy custom challenge coins?

Interested in working for Project Veritas? We have several positions open for qualified candidates!

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Lead Client Partner Says Woke “Ideology” Responsible For Inability to “Profit”; Affirms Twitter Not Here “To Give People Free Speech”; Refuses Taking
“Seriously” Due to “Asperger’s” Making Him “Special”

Sr. Engineer Tells Undercover Journalist That “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech”; Confesses Employees at Tech Giant are “Commie as F**k”; Admits Left Wing Employees “Hate”
“Capitalist” Takeover Attempt

@adam BREAKING: @FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Docs Showing Bureau Targeting “News Media” Under "Sensitive Investigative Matter"

Alleges “Political Undertakings” & Reveals “Vast Majority” of FBI Agents ‘Troubled’ by Direction Agency is Going

TESTIMONY: Ashley Biden Atty Also Atty for Cuomo Aide - DIL of US Atty who Signed Subpoenas v PV

@adam In a perfect world when should users be able to see the latest NA Episode on PC2.0 apps? How soon after posting and when do you actually make it available? Generally speaking.

@adam I'd love to take you up on your offer to help us with our audio. Let me know best way to collaborate.

I'm excited to share that I have accepted the position as Executive Director at Project Veritas. Our mission statement: Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Be Brave. Do Something. I Did.

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StrackNet - Social Media without the Algo