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Covid re-education quarantine camp for dissidents in Brisbane, Australia, complete with outdoor gym and electrified fence.

I've met Tevi. He's a nice guy and I've read a couple of his books. This is a scary thought. "My piece in the WSJ about previous tensions between VPs and Presidents. Biden-Harris is the only the fourth time in the modern era that a rival for the nomination became VP under the president who defeated them: the three previous VPs — LBJ, Bush 41, and Biden himself — all became president.
" - Tevi Troy

‘The Wisconsin Election Commission admitted it told election officials to break the law before and after the 2020 election

‘“I have had discomfort...the day I had first suggested this that we will be essentially telling the clerks to break the law."’ (1:33)

Breakin’ the law. Breakin’ the law.

And people keep wondering why I don't want to take these damn things is because they know that whoever fucking dies from it won't be around the question them on these things that need to be questioned.

The FBI is using counterterrorism tools to investigate parents protesting school boards, this escalation is reaching startling levels, we are living in the lead up to another Waco.

Actual scientists predicted this. Dumbasses around the world ignored them and worshiped the politician Fauci instead.

Wow. I've never seen this video. Worth watching - Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles -

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StrackNet - Social Media without the Algo