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@rife_with_tedium That's been the story but it's more to do with Evergrande default coupled with the fact that short trading days make it very easy to move markets in dramatic fashion. sorry for your loss. They become part of the family. Hang in there.

@pjd3 Question for you - I noticed that no matter what I search on there are never any results. I search for any term under "Posts" and always zero results. Is this a setting that I need to configure? I'll try to do some research as well but figured you may know. Thanks!

You really gotta love Russell Brand... I finally started watching him somewhat regularly. Good stuff.

@amerika yeah people jumped on that being the forced retcon narrative there aren't any flashing blue lights in the videos of the incident, the driver went THROUGH a police barricade to get to the parade, and let's see the fucking dashcams motherfuckers.

Covid re-education quarantine camp for dissidents in Brisbane, Australia, complete with outdoor gym and electrified fence. Pretty common around the holidays in the towns I've lived in NJ over the years.

@coldacid I hear you. I was kidding around. FWIW I've actually left it on in Outlook. I have finally gotten used to it after a few days.

I've met Tevi. He's a nice guy and I've read a couple of his books. This is a scary thought. "My piece in the WSJ about previous tensions between VPs and Presidents. Biden-Harris is the only the fourth time in the modern era that a rival for the nomination became VP under the president who defeated them: the three previous VPs — LBJ, Bush 41, and Biden himself — all became president.
" - Tevi Troy

@coldacid It's certainly jarring initially. You can switch out of it in File>Office Account and switch themes. They refer to this theme as "black" and not "dark"... which seems odd to me as they refer to it as "dark" everywhere else in Windoze. MSFT Interdepartmental woke-ism?

@SirB My folks are the same. They just have faith that the M5M is telling them the truth. It's both frustrating and sad. We haven't spoken about it since the verdict but Thanksgiving should be interesting.

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