Show newer so the drones can see 😂

Ron Paul TV presidential debate 2008 (1:34). Pls retoot if you agree.

@adam @Johncdvorak i cannot comprehend how “would you like my gong?” was not the show open. 🤣🤣🤣

@adam @Johncdvorak 60 Minutes amygdala segment tonight! It's during the "Hero" segment. The basic message is that Heros have large amygdalas

Watch "COVERUP? DA Investigation of Alleged Stat Rape by Sheriff Cand. Wayne Woo "Designed to Conceal Info"" on YouTube

ITM! Anyone have any good places to buy custom challenge coins?

ITM! Anyone have any good places to buy custom challenge coins?

@keri @adam I use PodVerse. It does allow queueing but not sure about the silence trimming...

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Lead Client Partner Says Woke “Ideology” Responsible For Inability to “Profit”; Affirms Twitter Not Here “To Give People Free Speech”; Refuses Taking
“Seriously” Due to “Asperger’s” Making Him “Special”

Sr. Engineer Tells Undercover Journalist That “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech”; Confesses Employees at Tech Giant are “Commie as F**k”; Admits Left Wing Employees “Hate”
“Capitalist” Takeover Attempt

@adam Looks like Podverse meets or exceeds that metric. I have no affiliation but just want to document.

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