We all kept hearing that "Trump handled Covid poorly." What exactly has he done differently than Biden? What has Biden done better, in terms of Covid?
(please reply examples, if applicable)

Apparently in Democrat land incest pregnancies are a real top-of-mind issue.

I'm starting to think that 60% of Americans don't understand what a Federal system of government is.

But I bet more than 60% of college kids know what it means to be "pansexual."

Wow. Massive heat waves that only scientists notice.

Some of the worst heatwaves 'ever' last year went 'unnoticed.'

Look at my name... We're all going to die. I guaruntee.

Scientists identify the most extreme heatwaves ever recorded mol.im/a/10782483 via dailym.ai/android

Wow. I just realized Joe Biden only gets older with the passing of each day... 🤔

Culture Wars turning Hot...
Biden calls MAGA the 'most extreme political organization in history' mol.im/a/10782537 via dailym.ai/android


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